2008年4月20日 星期日


W4 2008-04-24 (伯10:1-11:20)

經文: 約伯記 11:7 你考察就能測透神嗎?你豈能盡情測透全能者嗎?
默想: 感謝主,賞賜我五官可以感受到祢所創造的宇宙萬物。賞賜我理性可以揣摩推理來明白邏輯關係。求主保守我,不要陷入沾沾自喜,自以為了不起。自以為可以明白上帝一切的作為。
題目: 根據這段經文,約伯對於預定論有何個人的看法?

1 則留言:

  1. Dear All,
    Predestination was a very Calvinistic theological theme which emphasized the Sovereignty of God. If God was truely a God of the whole universe, then He must be able to control it with absolute power and resolution. If there was no free will in all God's creation, then predestination would be no great problem. But since the Bible said that God created angels and humans with the special and wonderful and terrible gift of freedom of will, then the interactions and complications among the free will of God, Satan, angels and humans would make the understanding of the predestination become more murky and mysterious.
