2008年4月20日 星期日

約書亞記 13/14

W3 2008-04-23 (書13:1-14:15)

經文: 約書亞記 13:1 約書亞年紀老邁,耶和華對他說:「你年紀老邁了,還有許多未得之地。
默想: 求主提醒我,在年紀老邁之時,還知道自己尚有許多未得之地,屬靈的生命還有成長的空間。
題目: 你對於利未支派不能在應許地分到產業有何看法?

2 則留言:

  1. "只是利未支派,摩西沒有把產業分給他們,他們的產業乃是獻給耶和華的火祭,正如耶和華所應許他們的"13:14



  2. Dear Ms. Pomelo ( or Shaddock), Peng An,
    You have a very acute observation on the significance of Levite's lack of property.
    How we could continue to grow and persevere into our senile age would be a lesson and challenge to us all.

    Dear twinkling star,
    I could not comprehend the true significance and abundance for a men to have God as his inheritance. What does that mean to me? to you?

    Dear JBC,
    The burnt offering was the first and best offering to our God. Could we offer the best of us to our God?
